My work at Living4malaga


Once again a late post, but for you that want to know more about my work placement, will be an enlighting one.

To begin with, I am an intern at an office in the main street of Málaga. There, me and another intern from Perho, do all kinds of tasks. We usually start our day printing all contracts and ''arrival timetable'' for the next day. Then the rest of the day is either at the office putting all infos from the check ins that our colleagues did to the computer or at different apartments doings check ins.

Before we could do the check in without supervision we just accompanied our colleagues to the apartments to learn as much as possible.

Well, last week I did my first check ins, which means, I went through the contract with clients and showed them the apartment they will be staying for a few days. Luckily, my first clients were Finns so it was a bit easier to do the check in. The rest of the check ins I've done so far were in English. Most of our guests are very friendly what makes the check in much easier and pleasant, but sometimes clients are very tired and hungry so they try to rush us.

As an intern, I don't have too much responsibility and many different things to do, like the others, so sometimes it gets boring at work. But the general view of the work placement is very positive. The staff is very friendly and pacient so I definitely recommend this place to apply for work placement.

Things that I wished I knew before coming here are:

1. It will be very difficult for you if you don't know at least the basics of Spanish. Specially in Málaga, because from what I've heard, people here isn't used to tourism yet compared to cities in Spain like Barcelona or Madrid. Therefore, most of habitants here do not speak any English. Even at the office there are a few people that don't speak English at all.

2. Good English skills are also important because you'll probably do check ins and they will be for English speaking tourists.

3. Before you come here don't think that you will have much free time to enjoy Spain. The only free days are the weekends and from Mon to Fri you'll be working at least from 10 am-18 pm, so after that there isn't much time to do much besides cook the dinner, prepare the lunch for the next day and maybe do laundry.

4. Enjoy your weekends the most you can. Don't wait for others to go with you to places you wanna go or cities you wanna visit. If you want to do something. Just go. Be bold.


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